last week, my two daughters went back to school — 8th and 12th grade. last week I went to the doctor (again) because my body keeps doing new things, and I don’t know what any of it means. this week, i felt the whisper of fall on my neck. last week, my book went out on submission. a milestone that quietly happened in the midst of everyday life.
no matter what happens next, i’m already in a surreal place. i’ve already shattered my self-imposed glass ceiling. because it wasn’t that long ago that i didn’t think i could ever get here.
i’ve been working on some version of this book off and on for over six years, but i struggled with my ideas, process confusion, consistency, organization, and really, just getting over my self-doubt. it wasn’t until i stopped masking these struggles, started asking for help and accountability, and leaning into community that i started to see progress.
i met my agent, ashley hong, at an online pitch fest in june that i found out about through the permission to write community. i signed with her in july, and we worked together to refine the proposal, preparing it to send to publishers. so now, here we are.
getting a book deal doesn’t feel out of reach like it used to. it feels like a natural progression of embracing the process and trusting that a beneficial outcome will result from that effort. no matter what happens, i’ve already won because i’ve learned to trust the creative process.
i’ve shown myself that i can work slowly and consistently, and still move through uncertainty and finish. my creative process is the gateway that will allow me to stretch, evolve, and grow into future projects. and that’s what is most important to me, the evolution of my perceived limitations, the growth. giving myself new evidence that debunks my old limiting beliefs.
being able to live a creative lifestyle is the win, and i’m flexible about the details of how it plays out. getting to study, coach, and write about creativity and be prosperous doing it is my dream. being able to turn my passions and obsessions into a career, to build community, and serve people with my soul’s offerings, that’s the vision. and i’m living it.
and looking back, i see now how much i used to muddy my calling with self-doubt and fear. afraid to show the full spectrum of my true self. i was all in, but i also wasn’t. i was afraid of being too vulnerable, too idealistic, too innocent, so i would reach, and then i would pull back. i wanted to fit in with people and places that weren’t aligned for me, and i took those rejections to mean that i wasn’t enough and i would forever be chasing a train i couldn’t catch. the solution was to stop looking outside of myself, find a process that works for me, and trust it.
the external manifestation of this trust is connecting with an agent who champions my work and having a book out on submission. the internal manifestations are far more profound and layered than that. what i’ve denied myself for too long is the permission to call this path what it is for me—a spiritual journey.
our creative callings guide us to a path of self-discovery, and if we can surrender to that path, we can find inner fulfillment that transcends anything external.
it’s not about the accomplishments, it’s about the inner experience. because isn’t that why we want what we want? because of the way we think it will make us feel?
in my life as a creative coach, one of the first things I ask my readers, subscribers, and clients is why you want what you want. and it’s the first thing I return to when i face my own challenges.
i’ll be using this space to stay close to my why, to reflect on the process of writing this book, and more broadly, to share about my life as a sensitive soul navigating the art and business of writing.
so very happy to read about writer GG outside of the community writing coach GG! I'm so excited for you and your book journey and can't wait to buy my copies!!